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ExEL College Combine

Division I, II, and III, IHSA, IDA, and USEA schools in attendance.


Riders of ALL SKILL LEVELS are invited to attend.

Many schools recruit beginner to Big Eq levels.


Middle school equestrians are encouraged to attend and audit all events.


NOTE: NCEA Division I coaches may only speak in person to upcoming Seniors. Freshmen-Juniors will be observation only.

Interest in NCEA programs can be responded to based on grade level according to NCEA regulations which can be found here

Collegiate Showcase Clinic

June 20, 2024

Clinicians will work with riders in a two-phase (flat and fences) small group setting.

Riders will be grouped by experience level.

Horses must be provided by riders (or leased) and MUST be of proper fitness for the level of the assigned clinic. Riders will swap horses during the clinic. Horses must be able to tolerate swapping of riders.

Horses are available for lease by contacting management.


Collegiate coaches will be onsite to evaluate rider performance. 

Auditing is free of charge.

Collegiate Fair

June 20-23, 2024

Collegiate coaches and administrators will be available throughout the weekend for one-on-one discussions with riders, trainers, and parents. This opportunity is exclusive to our registered recruits.

Combine Conference

June 20, 2024 

Time TBD @ GCHS Bowl


Participating equestrians, trainers, and parents are invited to attend Pathways to Collegiate Riding Conference. Guest speakers include Piper Klemm of The Plaid Horse, Randi Heathman of The College Equestrian Advisor, and more!

ACT Prep

June 20, 2024 

Time TBD @ GCHS Bowl


Athletes will participate in a ACT Prep with academic professionals. 

Horsemanship Quiz Bowl

June 20, 2024 

Time TBD @ GCHS Bowl


Educational horsemanship knowledge bowl with prizes!

Collegiate Show Observation June 21-23, 2024

Riders participating in the ExEL College Combine will be listed in a

directory for colligate coaches to observe their classes. Riders may compete in any classes throught the ExEL Show. Coaches will be assisted in tracking riders throughout the weekend.

Horses (and trainers) available to lease by contacting horse show management. Trainers are available to riders who do not have a trainer present at the show. Riders leasing horses are required to have a trainer.


Equestrians entering 9th - 12th grade are invited to showcase their skills as recruiting colleges meet, greet, and recruit.



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