FREE HORSE STALLS are for entries submitted at least 2-weeks (14 days) prior to the first day of the show. If entry is submitted within 2-weeks of the show, the stall will be $35.
A non-refundable deposit of $35 is due upon entering.​
Admin Fee $75
This fee is charged per horse and rider combination.
This fee is for any horse that is on the property during the show.
Division $68
Division $68
There is a $7 discount for completing the full division!
Individual Classes $25
Individual Classes $25
Regular classes (not classic, derby, or championship or Gamblers' Choice)
Specialty Classes $40
Specialty Classes $40
All Classics, Derby, Gamblers' Choice, Eq Championship, and Stakes
Tack Stall $75
Can be split among horses.
Shavings $7.00
Per Bag
Warm Up/Oops
Warm Up/Oops
Offered at all heights.
It's a schooling show! We want you to get the experience you need!
Warm-up and oops rounds are not judged.
Beginner Walk Trot Cavaletti
Beginner Walk Trot Cavaletti
Riders will trot a course of 4 cavaletti jumps.
Riders may not cross into any cantering classes.
Riders must be in their first 3-years of riding.
Beginner Walk Trot Crossrails
Beginner Walk Trot Crossrails
Riders will trot a course of 4 crossrail jumps.
Riders must be in their first 3-years of riding.
Beginner Walk Trot Canter Crossrails
Beginner Walk Trot Canter Crossrails
Riders will canter a course of 4 crossrails. Riders must be in their first 3-years of riding.
Very Green Hunter
Very Green Hunter
Open to green horses who are just getting started! Horses may not cross into classes bigger than crossrails. Horses may trot or canter. Riders may cross into other heights on another horse. Open to pros or amatures.
Mini Stirrup
Mini Stirrup
Open to any beginning rider. Riders may only cross enter WTC Crossrails.
Rusty Stirrup
Rusty Stirrup
Riders will complete a course of 4 cross rails at a trot or canter (rider option). Open to mature riders (18+ preferred) who are coming back following a long leave from the show arena.
Short Stirrup
Short Stirrup
Riders will complete a course of 2' jumps. Riders age 12 and younger may enter for nor more than two consecutive years. No cross entering into beginner classes, Mini Stirrup, Pony Hunter, or any classes over 2'
Long Stirrup
Long Stirrup
Riders will complete a course of 2' jumps.
Non-pro riders age 13 and above are eligible for no more than two consecutive years. No cross entering into beginner classes, Mini Stirrup, Pony Hunter, or any classes over 2'
Open Equitation
Completed either over fences or on the flat. Judged on the rider. Riders may enter 2 heights over fences. Riders competing in Open Eq Flat I or II may not compete in Open Eq Walk/Trot.
Ponies are welcome to compete at any open hunter height. If warranted, management can separate ponies onto a separate card.
2' Hunter
2' Hunter
Riders will complete a 2' hunter course. Amateurs and professionals will be judged separately.
2'3" Hunter
Riders will complete a 2'3" hunter course. Amateurs and professionals will be judged separately at management discretion.
2'6" Hunter
Riders will complete a 2'6" hunter course. Amateurs and professionals will be judged separately at management discretion.
2'9" Hunter
Riders will complete a 2'9" hunter course. Amateurs and professionals will be judged separately at management discretion.
3' Hunter
Riders will complete a 3' hunter course. Amateurs and professionals will be judged separately at management discretion.
$500 Equtation Championship
$500 Equtation Championship
Riders will compete at their selected height over a course of 8 or more jumps. Riders will be called back at the judges' discretion for either an over-fences test or a flat phase.
Prize money as follows:
1-$150 2-$100 3-$75 4-$60 5-$60 6-$55
$500 Hunter Derby
$500 Hunter Derby
Riders will perform a Classic round at their selected height. At the judges' discretion, riders will be called back for a handy round. All heights will be scored together unless divided by management.
Prize money as follows:
1-$150 2-$100 3-$75 4-$60 5-$60 6-$55
Oops rounds are allowed at the discretion of the judge. Oops rounds are not placed and are only granted after the rider has completed their regular round.
Crossrail Jumpers
Crossrail Jumpers
.60 Meter (2') Jumpers
.60 Meter (2') Jumpers
.70 Meter (2'3") Jumpers
.70 Meter (2'3") Jumpers
.80 Meter (2'6") Jumpers
.80 Meter (2'6") Jumpers
.90 Meter (2'9") Jumpers
.90 Meter (2'9") Jumpers
1.0 Meter (3'-3'3") Jumpers
1.0 Meter (3'-3'3") Jumpers
1.10+ (3'6"+) Meter Jumpers
1.10+ (3'6"+) Meter Jumpers
Want bigger jumps? Let us know!
0.70 Welcome Stake
Riders are allowed to compete on as many horses as desired.
Prize money as follows:
1-$75 2-$55 3-$38 4-$32 5-$25 6-$25
0.80 Jumper Stake
0.80 Jumper Stake
Riders are allowed to compete on as many horses as desired.
The horse and rider combination must have competed in at least one class Friday or Saturday of the same show.
Prize money as follows:
1-$75 2-$55 3-$38 4-$32 5-$25 6-$25
Dressage at ExEL
Dressage at ExEL
Classes $35.00 Each
The closing time for all dressage entries is 5:00 pm the Monday prior to the start of the show. If a rider chooses to scratch after the closing time, they will still be responsible for the charge of the class.
USDF 2023 Tests
Compete in a small (20x40) dressage arena.
Test of Choice
Intro Test A
Intro Test B
Intro Test C
Training Test 1
Training Test 2
Training Test 3
Compete in a large (20x60) dressage arena.
Test of Choice A
Test of Choice B
A credit card on file or check is required before the number will be provided to the rider.
Returned checks are subject to a $35 returned check fee, in addition to a $10 daily fee until the balance is satisfied.
Credit cards are processed at the close of the show. If a credit card does not process, a daily fee of $10 will be added to the invoice until the balance is satisfied.
Entries must be canceled 2 weeks (14 days) prior to the first date of the show in order to avoid fees. The charge will be processed to the card on file. Any shavings ordered and not canceled prior to the Monday before the show will be charged to the card on file.
For any classes awarding prize money: Riders are required to ride for ribbons in order to receive ribbons and prize money. If a rider has multiple mounts, only one horse is required to be ridden. Riders are not required to ride the same horse they won with
Riders, horses, or associated trainers with outstanding balances will not be allowed to compete in future shows.
No stallions.
The ExEL Community is built on respect and horsemanship. Management has the right to refuse attendance and/or showing.